Author Archives: Alexis F. Smith

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Many of my friends, for one reason or another, love to dis Shepard Fairey. I think his work is amazing. Granted it’s pretty boring that he’s out. No secret identity. No hooded, bandana-faced interviews. I’d never date the guy. Why would I waste my time with someone I could actually introduce to my friends? No awkward “So, what does Shepard do?” questions. No pedantic “Ali, is he still unemployed?” Continue reading

Blek le Rat goes Dancin!
Blek le Rat goes Dancin! – a collection of dance images from stencil / street artist Blek le Rat / Xavier Prou:
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The Crappy Job of Being Banksy’s Girlfriend
Banksy. The world’s most famous artist. The world’s most infamous artist. The world’s most important artist. The world’s most secret identity. For many people Banksy is all those things. But he is also, for at least the few minutes a day that he isn’t busy “being Banksy,” a human being. Does he eat lunch? Yes, he does. Does he piss and poop? Yes, he does. Does he brush his teeth? Yes, he does. Does he have a girlfriend? Yes, he does, and for better or for worse, that would be me.
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Hello World!
Alexis F. Smith reporting… please stand by…