Tag Archives: Remix

Shepard Fairey standing in front of a just-wheat-pasted mural on the side of the Rock Cat Cafe building in Philadelphia. The iconic black, white, and red poster imagery features his familiar imagery and a very large image of an Asian woman with a hat and a machine gun with a flower blooming out of the bun barrel, a al Bernie Boston

Love 2 Hate Shepard Fairey!

Shepard Fairey standing in front of a just-wheat-pasted mural on the side of the Rock Cat Cafe building in Philadelphia. The iconic black, white, and red poster imagery features his familiar imagery and a very large image of an Asian woman with a hat and a machine gun with a flower blooming out of the bun barrel, a al Bernie Boston

Shepard Fairey’s 2011 mural at Rock Cat Cafe, Philadelphia

Many of my friends, for one reason or another, love to dis Shepard Fairey. I think his work is amazing. Granted it’s pretty boring that he’s out. No secret identity. No hooded, bandana-faced interviews. I’d never date the guy. Why would I waste my time with someone I could actually introduce to my friends? No awkward “So, what does Shepard do?” questions. No pedantic “Ali, is he still unemployed?” Continue reading